Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Journal #2- Their Eyes Were Watching God

Sarah Palin's Rules of Dialect:
1. Most common phrase; "Dontchaknow"
2. 2nd most common phrase "You betcha!"
3. 'air' sounds turn into 'ear'- aka american turns into 'amearican'
4. sound with an oo as in 'you' change into yah, except for in you betcha and dontchaknow where other forms of you are used
5. ing sounds become in' trying = tryin'
6. start nearly every sentence with 'oh' as in 'oh well dontchaknow'
7. sometimes the a on the word american will be dropped
8. our becomes are

French girl's Rules of Dialect:
1. 'th' sounds become 'z' sounds aka the becomes zee or other becomes ozer
2. pronounce 'is' as 'es' or 'est' in french- sounds like the e in egg and the s in is
3. drop the ending consonants- such as important becomes importan
4. 'for' becomes the french word 'pour'
5. As with rule 2, sometimes the french girl will put in little words of her own language, such as 'moi' 'toi'

Sarah Palin in a Boutique in France
Sarah: Bonjur, m'appelle is Sarah!
French Clerk: Zarah es your nem?
Sarah:P Oui oui. J'adore l'american!
French Clerk: O-key.....
Sarah: Oh well dontchaknow, 45 of those fancy Europeein'-dollers for just a little t-shirt? Oh well dontchaknow those darn socialists taking away your money in the government oh dontchaknow
French Clerk: I actually like zhee tax zyztem 'ear, pour I keen ge' zhee healthkear pour none of my money
Sarah: You betcha you youngin' folks like 'em until us heerd-workin' 'Merican foulks have to bust your bums outta the debt oh well dontchaknow!
French Clerk: So Mizz Zarah, may I asque a question?
Sarah: Oh well dontchaknow I does know the answer is naw, I don't regret doin' the show for TLC. I mean, obviously the True American Patriots will come and support me and my roguing spirit in twen-ty-six-teen. 
French Clerk: Oh, well I waz going to asque why you insiss on giving mee ah lecture about zhee taxing when you are in zhee America et I am here in France?
Sarah: Oh well dontchaknow all yah Europeein' foulks be suckin' up all of my country's economy and then we can't prosper as Amearicans and be all patriotical and for ourselves, oh well dontchaknow
French Clerk: Well zhen Zarah, zhen why does zhee Americans insiss on putting zhee militarie dans le countries zhat do not want zhem zhere? Does zhat not only drain your l'economy of zhee money even more?
Sarah: Oh well dontchaknow that's only for the good of the other peoples of the world- plus we want to show that America is tough and strong and rogue as ever!
French Clerk: Zhen aren't you being an imperialiss nation?
Sarah: Imperialisses? Oh well no you betcha not! That's only for those communists and freedom haters like the socialists that run are country
French Clerk: And where did you learn about zhese socialiss?
Sarah: Oh well dontchaknow, from my advisors and conservative blogposts about America
French Clerk: Zarah... pleaze leaves
Sarah: Oh fine! I don't belong here anyways. The only peoples who does this fancy Europeein' sight seeing is them liberals who dont give a cent to the 'Mericans they support!
French Clerk: I am calling zhee police Zarah
Sarah: Oh well dontyouknow and you betcha you are awll doomed for not lovin' the 'merican rogue spirit! I will just be goin' back to the greatest place Alaska, and start a new perfume line... it's the only real option that I does have left
French Clerk: And we wills not be selling zhat 'ear.... au revoir Zarah!


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