My Philosophy- Jesus Plus Nothing
This comes out of my life's pursuit of God, and I find that my personal relationship with Christ is so intertwined in my own life, it must become a part of my own philosophical views.
1. Do not worry: This comes from my own experiences with spending time worrying about consequences that may or may not happen in the future. Matthew 6:34 talks about how we should not worry about anything, because today has enough troubles of its own. Ultimately, God has a destiny for all people, and we should never worry about what is coming next for us.
2. Never judge, ever: The idea of judgement is saying that you believe that someone is determining their own self worth about your own because they believe they are better than you. This also leads to the deadly path of comparison. However, no two people are made the same nor are two experiences ever parallel. Therefore, one can never tell another that they are below them, and instead we all should care for one another.
3. Pride be gone!: The best way to prevent the second guiding principle is to never have vanity or pride-fullness within one's self. No one gets into Heaven by works, so that no one can boast. The only thing I should ever boast about is the work of the Lord.
4. Be upfront with others: Gossip and lies are common within our culture. Because there is damage others feel from this (which I have wrongfully inflicted upon others and others have inflicted upon me), it is best to come and be out front with others if you have a problem with an individual. However, in all decisions, you shouldn't violate the next guiding principle.
5. Go to God first: Whenever I have problems, it is easy for me and many others to want to talk to a friend or counselor about an issue. However, it is better to come to the Father first. Even when in a moment of rejoicing, it is best to go to Him before others.
6. Have accountability: Even though we must go to God first, we aren't meant to live alone. Human beings are meant to live in community with one another, and we should all have others which we can confide in. That can hold us accountable to our actions and will help get you get through anything.
7. In everything, Rejoice: Even in the worst of circumstances, choose to be joyful and not be tied down to the emotions of humanity. We all have a reason to rejoice just by being saved! This is also so that people don't feel bogged down by feelings of ungratefulness.
8. Admit you are broken: This ties in with guiding principle 2 and 3. Admit that you are not a perfect person and that you are nothing without Christ.
9. Live La Vida Genrosa: Be generous! Do not hoard or store up your treasures on Earth, because you'll be leaving soon. Give to others, and help them become strong on their own with God.
10. Have a Personal Relationship with God: In pursuing a relationship with Christ, you must put Him first above all. But not like the pagans do, following rules and regulations, but instead for all of the other principles to come into place.
Yes, this may be a bit controversial for many reading this post. And I regret not following these everyday and there are probably dozens of more principles that I could write about on this topic (in fact, there's a whole book on it). I do not write these with anger in my heart to make you all like me, but rather to show you all a bit of my own faith, which guides the rest of my life.
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